Jeffrey C. Lagarias: Publications list
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at the arXiv in pdf and ps versions.
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[Unpublished preprints]
Succinct certificates for solutions to binary quadratic Diophantine
J. C. Lagarias,
3x+1 Problem Annotated Bibliography (1963-1999) ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
3x+1 Problem Annotated Bibliography II (2000-) ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
unpublished-updated periodically,
A Skolem-Mahler-Lech theorem for iterated automorphisms
of K-algebras,
Jason Bell and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Canad. J. Math. 67 (2015) , No. 2, 286--314.
Splitting behavior of S_n-polynomials,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Benjamin L. Weiss,
Research in Number Theory 1 (2015) , No. 7, 30 pages.
Ergodicity of the action of K^* on A_K,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
IMRN 2014 , No. 18, 5165--5186.
Path sets in one-sided symbolic dynamics,
W. C. Abram and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Adv. Applied Math. 56 (2014) , No. 1, 109--134.
p-adic path set fractals and arithmetic,
W. C. Abram and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. Fractal Geometry 1 (2014) , No. 1, 45--81.
Intersections of multiplicative translates of 3-adic Cantor sets,
W. C. Abram and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. Fractal Geometry 1 (2014) , No. 4, 349--390.
Euler's constant: Euler's work and modern developments,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (2013) , No. 4, 527--628.
The maximal density of product-free sets in Z/nZ,
P. Kurlberg, J. C. Lagarias and C. Pomerance,
Int. Math. Res. Notices IMRN Vol. 2013, No. 4, 827-845.
On sets of integers which are both sum-free and product-free,
P. Kurlberg, J. C. Lagarias and C. Pomerance,
INTEGERS 12B (2012/2013),Paper #A4, 9pp.
Random Hill's Equation, Random Walks and Products of Random Matrices,
F. Adams, A. Bloch and J. C. Lagarias
Chap. 17 in: Recend Trends in Dynamical Systems, Springer
Proc. Math. Stat. 35
Springer: Basel 2013, 447--470.
DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-0451-6-17 .
Mysteries in packing regular tetrahedra,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Chuanming Zong,
Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 59 (2012) , No. 11, 1540-1549.
[Notices AMS reprint].
Product-free sets of high density,
P. Kurlberg, J. C. Lagarias and C. Pomerance,
Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012), No. 2, 163-173.
The Lerch zeta function I. Zeta integrals,
J. C. Lagarias and W-C. Winnie Li,
Forum Mathematicum 24 (2012), No. 1, 1-48
The Lerch zeta function II. Analytic continuation,
J. C. Lagarias and W-C. Winnie Li,
Forum Mathematicum 24 (2012), No. 1, 49--84
Convergence of the restricted Nelder-Mead algorithm in two dimensions,
J. C. Lagarias, B. Poonen and M. H. Wright
SIAM J. Optimization 22 (2012), No. 2, 501-532
The Takagi function and its properties,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
in: Functions in Number Theory and their Probabilistic Aspects,
(K. Matsumoto, Editor in Chief,
S. Akiyama, H. Nakada, H. Sugita, A. Tamagawa, Eds.),
RIMS K\^{o}ky\^{u}roku Bessatsu B34, Aug. 2012, pp. 153--189.
Counting smooth solutions to the equation A+B=C,
J. C. Lagarias and K. Soundararajan,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 104 (2012), No. 4, 770-798
Level sets of the Takagi function: Local level sets,
J. C. Lagarias and Z. Maddock,
Monatshefte fur Math.. 166 (2012), No. 2, 201-238.
Level sets of the Takagi function: Generic level sets,
J. C. Lagarias and Z. Maddock,
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 60 (2011), 1857--1884.
The integral of the Riemann xi function,
J. C. Lagarias and D. Montague,
Commentarii Math. Univ. Sancti Pauli,
60 (2011), No. 1 & 2, 143-169.
Smooth solutions to the abc equation: the xyz conjecture,
J. C. Lagarias and K. Soundararajan,
J. Theorie Nombres Bordeaux,
23 (2011), No. 1, 209-234.
Cyclic systems of simultaneous congruences,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
International Journal of Number Theory 6 (2010), No. 2, 219--245
Stochastic Models for the 3x+1 and 5x+1 problems,
Alex Kontorovich and Jeffrey C. Lagarias
in The Ultimate Challenge: The 3x+1 Problem
Amer. Math. Soc.: Providence 2010, 131-188.
Ternary expansions of powers of 2 ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. London Math. Soc. 79 (2009), 562--588.
The Schrodinger operator with Morse potential on the right half line,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Communications in Number Theory and Physics,
3 (2009), No. 2, 323--361
The Kruskal count ,
J. C. Lagarias, E. Rains and R. Vanderbei,
pp. 371--391 in:
The Mathematics of Preference, Choice and Order.
Essays in Honor of Peter Fishburn.
(S. Brams, W. V. Gehrlein, F. S. Roberts Eds.),
Springer-Verlag: New York.
Li Coefficients for Automorphic L-Functions ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Annales Inst. Fourier 57 (2007), 1689--1740 .
[] .
Apollonian Circle Packings: Number Theory
II. Spherical and Hyperbolic Packings ,
Nicholas Eriksson and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ramanujan Journal 14 (2007), No.3, 437--469.
Benford's law for the 3x+1 function ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and K. Soundararajan,
J. London Math Soc., 74 (2006), 289--303.
The Riemann hypothesis for certain integrals of Eisenstein series ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Masatoshi Suzuki,
J. Number Theory 118 (2006), 98--122.
Wild and Wooley numbers,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Amer. Math. Monthly 113 (2006), 97--108.
The 3x+1 semigroup ,
David Applegate and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. Number Theory, 117 (2006), 146--159 .
Apollonian Circle Packing: Geometry and Group Theory,
II. Super-Apollonian group and Integral Packings ,
R. L. Graham, J. C. Lagarias, C. L. Mallows, A. Wilks and C. H. Yan,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 35 (2006), 1--36.
Apollonian Circle Packing: Geometry and Group Theory,
III. Higher dimensions ,
R. L. Graham, J. C. Lagarias, C. L. Mallows, A. Wilks and C. H. Yan,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 35 ( 2006), 37--72.
Hilbert spaces of entire functions and Dirichlet L-functions,
J. C. Lagarias,
pp. 365--377 in: Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry 1:
On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions and Dynamical Systems
(P. E. Cartier, B. Julia, P. Moussa and P. van Hove, Eds.),
Springer-Verlag: Berlin 2006.
The Riemann Hypothesis: Arithmetic and Geometry
J. C. Lagarias,
pp. 127--141 in: Surveys in Noncommutative Geometry,
Clay Insititute Monographs, No. 6, CMI/AMS: Providence, RI 2006.
Apollonian Circle Packing: Geometry and Group Theory,
I. The Apollonian group ,
R. L. Graham, J. C. Lagarias, C. L. Mallows, A. Wilks and C. H. Yan ,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 34 (2005), 547--585 .
A note on absolute derivations and zeta functions ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
pp. 279--285 in:
Number Fields and Function Fields--Two Parallel Worlds
(G. van der Geer, B. Moonen, R. Schoof, Eds.),
Birkhauser: Boston 2005 .
[] .
Dynamics of a family of piecewise-linear area-preserving plane maps
I. Rational rotation numbers ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
J. Difference Eqns. Appl. 11 (2005), No. 12, 1089--1108.
Dynamics of a family of piecewise-linear area-preserving plane maps
II. Invariant circles ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
J. Difference Eqns. Appl. 11 (2005), No. 13, 1137--1163.
Dynamics of a family of piecewise-linear area-preserving plane maps
III. Cantor set spectra ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
J. Difference Eqns. Appl. 11 (2005), No. 14, 1205--1224.
Zero spacing distributions for differenced L-functions
J. C. Lagarias,
Acta Arithmetica 120 (2005), No. 2, 159--184.
Area inequalities for embedded disks spanning unknotted curves ,
J. Hass, J. C. Lagarias and W. P. Thurston,
J. Differential Geometry 66 (2004), 495--525.
Approximate Squaring ,
J. C. Lagarias and N. J. A. Sloane,
Experimental Math. 13 (2004), No. 1, 113--128.
Repetitive Delone sets and quasicrystals ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Peter A. B. Pleasants,
Ergod. Th. Dyn. Sys.
23 (2003), 831--867 .
Lower bounds for the total stopping time of 3x+1 iterates ,
D. Applegate and J. C. Lagarias,
Math. Comp.
72 (2003), 1035--1049 .
Apollonian Packings: Number Theory ,
R. L. Graham, J. C. Lagarias, C. L. Mallows, A. Wilks, and C. H. Yan ,
J. Number Theory
100 (2003), 1--45. .
Substitution Delone Sets ,
J. C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
Discrete & Computational Geometry
29} (2003), No. 2, 175--209 .
On a two-variable zeta function for number fields ,
J. C. Lagarias and E. Rains,
Annales Inst. Fourier
53 (2003), No. 1, 1--68 .
Bounds for the 3x+1 problem using difference inequalities ,
Ilia Krasikov and J. C. Lagarias,
Acta Arithmetica
109}, (2003), No. 3, 237--258 .
The minimal number of triangles needed to span a polygon
embedded in R^d ,
Joel Hass and J. C. Lagarias,
in: Discrete and Computational Geometry: The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift
(B. Aronov, S. Basu, J. Pach, and M. Sharir, Eds),
Springer-Verlag: New York 2003, pp. 509--526 .
An elementary problem equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Amer. Math. Monthly
109 (2002), 534--543.
Bounds for local density of sphere packings
and the Kepler conjecture ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Discrete & Computational Geometry
27 (2002), 165--193.
Pinwheel scheduling: achievable densities ,
P. C. Fishburn and J. C. Lagarias,
34 (2002), No. 1, 14--38.
Beyond the Descartes circle theorem ,
J. C. Lagarias, C. L. Mallows and A. Wilks,
Amer. Math. Monthly
109 (2002), 338--361.
Counting dyadic equipartitions of the unit square ,
J. C. Lagarias, J. H. Spencer and J. P. Vinson,
Discrete Math.
257 (2002), No. 2-3, 481--499 .
Local Complexity of Delone Sets and Crystallinity,
J. C. Lagarias and P. A. B. Pleasants,
Bull. Canadian Math. Soc.
45 (2002), No. 4, 634--652.
The EKG sequence ,
J. C. Lagarias, E. Rains and N. J. A. Sloane,
Experimental Math.
11 (2002), No. 3, 437--446 .
The number of Reidemeister moves needed for unknotting ,
Joel Hass and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. Amer. Math. Soc.
14 (2001), 399--428. .
Universal spectra and Tijdeman's conjecture on factorization
of cyclic groups ,
J. C. Lagarias and Sandor Szabo,
J. Fourier Anal. Appl.
7 (2001), 63--70 .
Robustness of single loop sigma-delta modulation with
constant inputs ,
S. Gunturk, J. C. Lagarias and V. Vaishampayan,
IEEE Trans. Information Theory ,
47 (2001), No. 5, 1735--1745 .
On the normality of arithmetical constants ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Experimental Math. ,
10 (2001), 355--368 .
Cutting sequences for geodesic flow on the modular surface
and continued fractions ,
D. Grabiner and J. C. Lagarias,
Monatshefte Math.
133, No. 4 (2001), 295--339 .
Orthogonal bases of exponentials for the n-cube ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias, James A. Reeds and Yang Wang,
Duke Math. J.
103 (2000), 25--37 .
Well-spaced labellings of points in rectangular grids ,
J. C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Discrete Math.
13 (2000), 521-534.
Orthogonality criteria for compactly refinable functions
and refinable function vectors ,
J. C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. Fourier. Anal. Appl.
6 (2000), 153--170 .
Mathematical quasicrystals and the problem of diffraction ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Directions in Mathematical Quasicrystals,
M. Baake and R. V. Moody, Eds.),.
CRM Monograph Series, Vol. 13, Amer. Math. Soc.: Providence, RI,
2000, pp. 61--93 .
The impact of aperiodic order on mathematics ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Materials Science & Engineering A
294--296 (2000), 186--191.
The lap counting function and zeta function of the tent map ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
13 (2000), 61--93
Complements to Li's criterion for the Riemann hypothesis ,
Enrico Bombieri and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
J. Number Theory 77 (1999), 274--287 .
On a positivity property of the Riemann xi function ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Acta Arithmetica 89 (1999), No. 3, 217--234 .
The Computational Complexity of Knot and Link Problems
Joel Hass, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Nick Pippenger,
J. A. C. M. 46 (1999), 185--211 .
Number theory zeta functions and dynamical zeta functions ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Spectral Problems in Geometry and Arithmetic
(T. Branson, Ed.),
Contemporary Math.,Vol. 237, AMS:
Providence, R. I. 1999, pp. 45--86
Processor Shadowing: Maximizing Expected Throughput in
Fault-Tolerant Systems ,
J. L. Bruno, E. G. Coffman, Jr., J. C. Lagarias,
T. J. Richardson and P. W. Shor,
Mathematics of Operations Research 24 (1999), 362--382.
Bounds for the Number of DC Operating Points of Transistor
Circuits ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Ljiljana Trajkovic,
IEEE Transactions in Circuits and Systems
46 (1999) , No. 10, 1216--1221.
Geometric Models for Quasicrystals I. Delone Sets of
Finite Type ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 (1999), 161--191.
Geometric Models for Quasicrystals II. Local Rules Under
Isometries ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 21 (1999), 345--372.
Beurling generalized integers with the Delone property ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Forum Math. 11 (1999), 295--312.
Who wins misere Hex?
J. Lagarias and D. Sleator
in: The Mathemagician and Pied Puzzler
(E. Berlekamp and T. Rogers, Eds.),
A.K. Peters: Natick Ma. 1999, pp. 253--266.
Multiregular Point Systems ,
Nikolai P. Dolbilin, Jeffrey C. Lagarias, and Marjorie Senechal,
Discrete & Computational Geometry , 20 (1998), 477--498.
Convergence Properties of the Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm
in Low Dimensions
Jeffrey C. Lagarias, James A. Reeds, Margaret H. Wright and Paul E.
SIAM J. Optimization , 9 (1998), No. 1, 112--147.
Also: Computing Sciences Research Center, Bell Laboratories,
Technical Report 96-4-07,
Threading Homotopies and DC Operating Points of Nonlinear
Circuits ,
Ross Geoghegan, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Robert C. Melville,
SIAM J. Optimization 9 (1998), No. 1, 159--178.
Interference-Minimizing Colorings of Distance-Regular
Graphs ,
P. C. Fishburn, J. H. Kim, J. C. Lagarias and P. E. Wright,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998), pp. 15-40.
Counting d-Step Paths in Extremal Dantzig Figures ,
J. C. Lagarias and N. Prabhu,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 19 (1998), pp. 19-31.
The Computational Complexity of Knot and Link Problems.
(Preliminary Version)
Joel Hass, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Nicholas Pippenger,
Proc. 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ,
IEEE Press 1997, pp. 172-181.
Saddle point and Hamiltonian structure in excitatory-inhibitory
networks ,
H. S. Seung, T. J. Richardson, J. C. Lagarias and J. J. Hopfield,
Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems '97 ,
Linear Fractional Transformations of Continued Fractions with
Bounded Partial Quotients ,
J. C. Lagarias and J. O. Shallit,
Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 9 (1997), pp. 267-279.
Spectral Sets and Factorizations of
Finite Abelian Groups ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. Functional Analysis, 143 (1997), pp. 73-98.
Multivariate Descartes Rule of Signs and Sturmfels's Challenge
Problem ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Thomas J. Richardson,
The Mathematical Intelligencer 19, No. 3 (1997), pp. 9-15.
Convexity and the Average Curvature of Plane Curves ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Thomas J. Richardson,
Geometriae Dedicata 67 (1997), pp. 1-30.
The d-Step Conjecture and Gaussian Elimination ,
J. C. Lagarias, N. Prabhu, and J. A. Reeds,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 18 (1997), pp. 53-82.
Integral Self-Affine Tiles in R^n II. Lattice Tilings ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 3 (1997), pp. 83-102.
The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations
III. the period of a Markov chain ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 17 (1997), pp. 369-403.
The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations
II.the Markov chain for generalized lap numbers ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 17 (1997), pp. 123-146.
Tiling the line with translates of one tile ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
Inventiones math. 124 (1996), pp. 341-365.
Structure of tilings of the line by a function ,
Mihail N. Kolountzakis and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Duke Math. J. 82 (1996), pp. 653-678.
The 3x+1 Conjugacy Map ,
Daniel J. Bernstein and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Canadian J. Math. 48 (1996), pp. 1154-1169.
Meyer's Concept of Quasicrystal and Quasiregular Sets ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Comm. Math. Physics 179 (1996), pp. 365-376.
The lap counting function for linear mod one transformations
I. explicit formulas and renormalizability ,
Leopold Flatto and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 16 (1996), pp. 451-492.
Haar Bases for L^2(R^n) and Algebraic Number Theory,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. Number Theory 57 (1996), pp. 181-197.
Integral Self-Affine Tiles in R^n I. Standard and Nonstandard
Digit Sets ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. London Math. Soc. 54 (1996), pp. 161-179.
Self-Affine Tiles in R^n ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
Advances in Math. 121 (1996), pp. 21-49.
Non-negative Radix Expansions for the Orthant ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), pp. 99-117.
Point Lattices ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Chapter 19 in: Handbook of Combinatorics, Volume I
(R. L. Graham, M. Gro"tschel and L. Lovasz, eds.), Elsevier Science B. V.:
Amsterdam 1995, pp. 919-966.
Point Lattices ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Chapter 19 in: Handbook of Combinatorics, Volume I
(R. L. Graham, M. Gro"tschel and L. Lovasz, eds.), Elsevier Science B. V.:
Amsterdam 1995, pp. 919-966.
On the range of fractional parts {/xi (p/q)^n} ,
Leopold Flatto, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Andrew D. Pollington,
Acta Arithmetica 70 (1995), pp. 125-147.
The Distribution of 3x+1 Trees ,
David Applegate and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Experimental Math. 4 (1995), pp. 193-209.
Haar-type Orthonormal Wavelet Bases in R^2 ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 2 (1995) 1-14.
Polytopes that fill R^n and scissors congruence ,
J. C. Lagarias and D. Moews,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 13 (1995), pp. 573-584.
[ Acknowledgement of Priority , ibid,14 (1995), pp. 359-360.]
Density Bounds for the 3x+1 Problem I. Tree-Search Method ,
David Applegate and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Math. Comp. 64 (1995), pp. 411-426.
Density Bounds for the 3x+1 Problem II. Krasikov Inequalities .
David Applegate and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Math. Comp. 64 (1995), pp. 427-438.
A Walk Along the Branches of the Extended Farey Tree ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Charles Tresser,
IBM J. Res. Devel. 39 (1995), pp. 283-294.
The continuous Diophantine approximation mapping of Szekeres ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Andrew D. Pollington,
J. Australian Math. Soc., Series A, 59 (1995), pp. 148-172.
The Finiteness Conjecture for the Generalized Spectral Radius of
a Set of Matrices ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Yang Wang,
Lin. Alg. Appl. 214 (1995), pp. 17-42.
Geodesic Multidimensional Continued Fractions ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Proc. London Math. Soc. 69 (1994), pp. 464-488.
On the distribution of multiplicative translates of sets
of residues (mod p),
J. Hastad, J. C. Lagarias, and A. M. Odlyzko,
J. Number Theory,
46 (1994), pp. 108-122.
[Pdf- Andrew Odlyzko web page]
The Zeta Function of the Beta Transformation ,
Leopold Flatto, Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Bjorn Poonen
Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. 14 (1994),pp. 237-266.
On the thermodynamic formalism for multifractal functions ,
Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Rev. Math. Physics 6 (1994), pp. 1033-1070.
[Also in: , The State of Matter, A volume dedicated to E. H. Lieb ,
(M. Aizenmann and H. Araki, Eds.), World Scientific: Singapore 1994,
pp. 213-264.]
Cube Tilings in R^n and Nonlinear Codes ,
J. C. Lagarias and P. W. Shor,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 11 (1994), pp. 359-391.
Asymmetric Tent Maps II. Purely Periodic Points ,
J. C. Lagarias, H. A. Porta and K. B. Stolarsky,
Illinois J. Math. 38 (1994), pp. 574-588.
The Quality of the Diophantine Approximations found by the
Jacobi-Perron Algorithm and Related Algorithms ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Monatshefte fu"r Math. 115 (1993), pp. 299-328.
A polyomino tiling problem of Thurston and its configurational
entropy ,
J. C. Lagarias and D. S. Romano,
J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A 63 (1993), pp. 338-358.
A collinear scaling interpretation of Karmarkar's linear
programming algorithm ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Optimization 3 (1993), pp. 630-636.
Asymmetric Tent Maps I. Eventually Periodic Points ,
J. C. Lagarias, H. A. Porta and K. B. Stolarsky,
J. London Math. Soc. 47 (1993), pp. 542-556.
Probabilistic Algorithms for Speedup ,
Joan Feigenbaum and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Statistical Science 8 (1993), pp. 20-25.
Pseudorandom Numbers ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Statistical Science 8 (1993), pp. 31-39.
Keller's Cube Tiling Conjecture is False in High Dimensions ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Peter W. Shor,
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (1992), pp. 279-283.
A Lie bracket decomposition and its application to flows on
symmetric matrices ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias ,
Lin. Alg. Appl. 175 (1992), pp. 239-257.
The 3x+1 Problem: Two Stochastic Models ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Alan Weiss,
Annals of Applied Probability 2 (1992), pp. 229-261.
Sets of matrices all infinite products of which converge ,
Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Lin. Alg. Appl. 161 (1992), pp. 227-263.
Corrigendum/Addendum ,
Lin. Alg. Appl. 327 (2001), pp. 69--83.
Two-scale difference equations II. Local regularity of
solutions and fractals ,
Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 23 (1992), pp. 1031-1079.
Self-packing of Centrally Symmetric Convex Bodies in R^2 ,
P. G. Doyle, J. C. Lagarias and D. S. Randall,
Discrete & Computational Geometry 8 (1992), pp. 171-189.
Number Theory and Dynamical Systems ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
in: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Number Theory ,
(S. A. Burr, Ed.), Proc. Symp. Applied Math. No. 46, AMS: Providence
1992, pp. 35-72.
Two-scale difference equations I. Global regularity of
solutions ,
Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 (1991), pp. 1388-1410.
Bounds for lattice polytopes containing a fixed number of
lattice points ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Gu"nter W. Ziegler,
Canad. J. Math. 43 (1991), pp. 1022-1035.
Karmarkar's Algorithm and Newton's Method ,
D. A. Bayer and J. C. Lagarias,
Math. Programming 50 (1991), pp. 291-320.
Monotonicity inequalities for the Toda flow, QR-flow and
subspace iteration ,
J. C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 12 (1991), pp. 449-462.
Sets Uniquely Determined by Projections II. Discrete Case ,
P. C. Fishburn, J. C. Lagarias, J. A. Reeds and L. A. Shepp,
Discrete Math. 91 (1991), pp. 141-151.
Singularities of minimal surfaces and networks and
related extremal problems in Minkowski space ,
Z. Furedi, J. C. Lagarias and F. Morgan,
in: DIMACS Geometry Year (R. Pollack, ed.), DIMACS
Series Vol. 6, AMS: Providence 1991, pp. 95-109.
Effects of misspecification of lag structure in certain
two-variable distributed lag models ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Computers & Math. with Applications 22, No. 10 (1991),
pp. 3-23.
The non-linear geometry of linear programming
III. Projective
Legendre transform coordinates and Hilbert geometry ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 320 (1990), pp. 193-225.
Bounds for Korkin-Zolotarev reduced bases and successive
minima of a lattice and its reciprocal lattice ,
J. C. Lagarias, H. W. Lenstra, Jr. and C. P. Schnorr,
Combinatorica 10 (1990), pp. 343-358.
Simultaneously good bases of a lattice and its reciprocal
lattice ,
J. Hastad and J. C. Lagarias,
Math. Annalen 2287 (1990), pp. 167-174.
Tiling with polyominoes and combinatorial group theory ,
J. H. Conway and J. C. Lagarias,
J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A 53 (1990), pp. 183-208.
The set of rational cycles for the 3x+1 problem ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Acta Arithmetica 56 (1990), pp. 33-53.
Sets Uniquely Determined by Projection I. Continuous Case,
P. C. Fishburn, J. C. Lagarias, J. A. Reeds and L. A. Shepp,
SIAM J. Applied Math. 50 (1990), pp. 288-306.
I. I. Dikin's convergence result for the affine scaling algorithm
R. Vanderbei and J. C. Lagarias,
in: Mathematical Developments Arising From Linear Programming ,
(J. C. Lagarias and M. J. Todd, eds.), Comtemporary Math. vol. 114,
AMS: Providence 1990, pp. 109-119.
Pseudorandom number generators in number theory and cryptography
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Cryptology and Computational Number Theory ,
(C. Pomerance, ed.), Proc. Symp. Applied Math. No. 42, AMS: Providence
1990, pp. 114-144.
The non-linear geometry of linear programming
I. Affine and projective scaling trajectories ,
D. A. Bayer and J. C. Lagarias,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 314 (1989), pp. 499-526.
The non-linear geometry of linear programming
II. Legendre transform coordinates and central trajectories ,
D. A. Bayer and J. C. Lagarias,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 314 (1989), pp. 527-581.
Polynomial time algorithms for finding integer relations
among real numbers ,
J. Hastad, B. Just, J. C. Lagarias and C. P. Schnorr,
SIAM J. Computing 18 (1989), pp. 859-881.
[Preliminary version in: STACS '86 , Lecture Notes in
Computer Science No. 210, Springer-Verlag: New York 1986, pp.
Single suit two person card play III. The misere game ,
J. Kahn, J. C. Lagarias and H. S. Witsenhausen,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2 (1989), pp. 329-343.
On Lasker's card game ,
J. Kahn, J. C. Lagarias and H. S. Witsenhausen,
In: Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Differential Games and Applications,
(T. Basar and P. Bernard, Ed.), Lecture Notes in Control and
Information Science No. 223,
Springer-Verlag: New York 1989, pp. 1-8.
Algorithms for square packing: A probabilistic analysis ,
E. G. Coffman, Jr. and J. C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Computing (1989), pp. 166-185.
Power series variants of Karmarkar-type algorithms ,
N. Karmarkar, J. C. Lagarias, L. Slutsman and P. Wang,
AT&T Technical Journal 68 , No. 3 (1989), pp. 20-36.
Unique Extrapolation of Polynomial Recurrences ,
J. C Lagarias and J. A. Reeds,
SIAM J. Computing 17 (1988), pp. 342-362.
Reconstructing truncated linear variables satisfying linear
congruences ,
A. Frieze, J. Hastad, R. Kannan, J. C. Lagarias, and A. Shamir,
SIAM J. Computing 17 (1988), pp. 262-280.
Single-suit two person card play. II Domination ,
J. Kahn, J. C. Lagarias, and H. S. Witsenhausen,
Order 5 (1988), pp. 45-60.
Computing pi(x): An analytic method,
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
J. Algorithms,
8 (1987), pp. 173-191.
On the distribution in short intervals of integers having
no large prime factor ,
J. B. Friedlander and J. C. Lagarias,
J. Number Theory 25 (1987), pp. 249-273.
Single-Suit Two-Person Card Play ,
J. Kahn, J. C. Lagarias and H. S. Witsenhausen,
Intl. J. Game Theory 16 (1987), pp. 291-320.
One-way functions and circuit complexity ,
R. Boppana and J. C. Lagarias,
Information and Computation 74 (1987), pp. 226-240.
[Preliminary version in: Structure in Complexity Theory ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 223, Springer-Verlag: New
York 1986, pp. 51-65.]
Simultaneous Diophantine approximation of rationals by
rationals ,
J. Hastad and J. C. Lagarias,
J. Number Theory 24 (1986), pp. 200-228.
Probabilities for intersecting systems and random subsets of
finite sets,
P. C. Fishburn, P. Frankl, D. Freed, J. C. Lagarias, and A. M. Odlyzko,
SIAM J. Alg. Discr. Methods,
7 (1986), pp. 73-79.
The 3x+1 problem and its generalizations ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Amer. Math. Monthly 92 (1985) 3-23.
[On-line version] (Postscript version also downloadable)
The computational complexity of simultaneous Diophantine
approximation problems ,
J. C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Computing 14 (1985), pp. 196-209.
[Preliminary version in: Proc 23rd Annual Symposium on Foundations
of Computer Science, IEEE Press 1982, pp. 32-39.]
The set of primes dividing the Lucas numbers has density 2/3 ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Pacific J. Math. 118 (1985), pp. 449-461.
[ Errata , Pacific J. Math. 162 (1994), pp. 393-396.]
On the capacity of disjointly shared networks,
J. C. Lagarias, A. M. Odlyzko, and D. B. Zagier,
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
10 (1985),
pp. 275-285.
Computing pi(x): The Meissel-Lehmer method,
J. C. Lagarias, V. S. Miller, and A. M. Odlyzko,
Math. Comp.,
44 (1985), pp. 537-560.
Solving low-density subset sum problems,
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
32 (1985),
pp. 229-246.
[Preliminary version in Proc. 24th Annual Symposium
on Foundations Computer Science ,IEEE Press 1983,
pp. 1-10.]
Is there a density for the set of primes p such that the class
number of Q(sqrt(-p)) is divisible by 16? ,
H. Cohn and J. C. Lagarias,
in: Topics in Classical Number Theory ,
(G. Halasz, Ed.), Colloquium Soc. Janos Bolyai No. 34, 1984, pp. 257-279.
Knapsack Public Key Cryptosystems and Diophantine
Approximation ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 83 ,
(D. Chaum, ed.), Plenum Press 1984, pp. 3-24.
Evaluation of the Adleman attack on multiply iterated
knapsack cryptosystems,
E. F. Brickell, J. C. Lagarias, and A. M. Odlyzko,
Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto 83,
(D. Chaum, ed.)
Plenum Press,
1984, pp. 39-42.
Performance analysis of Shamir's attack on the basic Merkle-Hellman
knapsack cryptosystem ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: ICALP 1984, Automata Languages and Programming, Eleventh
Colloquium, Antwerp, Belgium, July 1984,
Lecture Notes in Computer
Science No. 172, Springer-Verlag: New York 1984, pp. 312-323.
Linear congruential generators do not produce random
sequences ,
A. Frieze, R. Kannan, and J. C. Lagarias,
Proc. 25th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ,
IEEE Press 1984, pp. 480-484.
New algorithms for computing pi(x),
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
pp. 176-193 in
Number Theory: New York 1982,
(D. V. Chudnovsky, G. V. Chudnovsky, H. Cohn and M. B. Nathanson,eds.),
Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Mathematics #1052, 1984.
On the existence of fields governing the 2-invariants of the
classgroup of Q(sqrt(dp)) as p varies ,
H. Cohn and J. C. Lagarias,
Math. Comp. 37 (1983), pp. 711-730.
Sets of primes determined by systems of polynomial
congruences ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Illinois J. Math. 27 (1983), pp. 224-239.
Best Diophantine approximation to a set of linear forms ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. Australian Math. Soc., Series A 34 (1983), pp. 114-122.
Multi-stage planning and the extended linear-quadratic-Gaussian
control problem ,
J. C. Lagarias and F. Aminzadeh,
Math. Operations Research 8 (1983), pp. 42-63.
On the tightest packing of sums of vectors ,
J. R. Griggs, J. C. Lagarias, A. M. Odlyzko, and J. B. Shearer,
European J. Combinatorics ,
4 (1983),
pp. 231-236.
Approximation Algorithms for Maximizing the Number of
Squares Packed in a Rectangle ,
B. Baker, A. R. Calderbank, E. G. Coffman and J. C. Lagarias,
SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Methods 4 (1983), pp. 383-397.
On the Density of Sequences of Integers the Sum of No Two of Which is a Square. II. General Sequences,
J. C. Lagarias, A. M. Odlyzko, and J. B. Shearer,
J. Comb. Theory A,
34 (1983),
pp. 123-139.
Best simultaneous Diophantine approximations I. Growth of
best approximation denominators ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 272 (1982), pp. 545-554.
Best simultaneous Diophantine approximations II. Behavior of
consecutive best approximations ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Pacific J. Math. 102 (1982), pp. 61-88.
On the Density of Sequences of Integers the Sum of
No Two of Which is a Square. I. Arithmetic Progressions ,
J. C. Lagarias, A. M. Odlyzko and J. B. Shearer,
J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A 33 (1982), pp. 167-185.
Optimal pairs of score vectors for positional scoring rules ,
W. Gehrlein, B. Gopinath, J. C. Lagarias and P. Fishburn ,
Appl. Math. Optim. 88 (1982), pp. 309-324.
Minimal Storage Representations for Binary Relations ,
J. C. Lagarias and D. E. Swartwout,
Information Processing Letters 14 (1982) 63-66.
[Preliminary version in: Proc. ACM-SIGMOD 1981 International Conf. on
the Management of Data , (Y. E. Lien, ed.), ACM 1991, pp. 1-9.]
A complement to Ridout's p-adic generalization of the
Thue-Siegel-Roth theorem ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Analytic Number Theory, Proceedings Philadelphia 1980 ,
(M. I. Knopp, Ed.), Lecture Notes in Math. No. 899, Springer-Verlag,
New York 1981, pp. 264-275.
Fibonacci and Lucas Cubes ,
J. C. Lagarias and D. P. Weisser,
Fibonacci Quarterly 19 (1981), pp. 39-43.
On the computational complexity of determining the solvability
or unsolvability of the equation X^2 - dY^2 = -1 ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 260 (1980), pp. 485-508.
Worst-case complexity bounds in the theory of integral
quadratic forms ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. Algorithms 1 (1980), pp. 142-186.
On determining the 4-rank of the ideal class group of a
quadratic field ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. Number Theory 12 (1980), pp. 191-196.
Signatures of Units and Congruences (mod 4) in Certain Real
Quadratic Fields II ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. reine angew. Math. 320 (1980), pp. 115-126.
Signatures of Units and Congruences (mod 4) in Certain Totally
Real Fields ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. reine angew. Math. 320 (1980), pp. 1-5.
Divisibility properties of some cyclotomic sequences,
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
Amer. Math. Monthly,
87 (1980),
pp. 561-564.
Some new results in simultaneous Diophantine approximation ,
J. C. Lagarias,
in: Proc. Queens's University Number Theory Conference 1979 ,
(P. Ribenboim, Ed.), Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Math. No. 54,
Queen's University, 1980, pp. 453-474.
A bound for the least prime ideal in the Chebotarev density theorem,
J. C. Lagarias, H. L. Montgomery, and A. M. Odlyzko,
Inventiones math.,
54 (1979),
pp. 271-296.
On computing Artin L-functions in the critical strip,
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
Math. Comp.,
33 (1979),
pp. 1081-1095.
Succinct Certificates for the Solvability of Binary Quadratic
Diophantine Equations
J. C. Lagarias,
Proc. 20th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ,
IEEE Press 1979, pp. 47-54.
Signatures of Units and Congruences (mod 4) in Certain Real
Quadratic Fields ,
J. C. Lagarias,
J. reine Angew. Math. , 301 (1978), pp. 142-146.
Effective versions of the Chebotarev density theorem,
J. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko,
pp. 409-464 in
Algebraic Number Fields,
A. Frohlich (ed.),
Academic Press,
Discrete Balancing Games ,
J. C. Lagarias,
Bull. Inst. of Math. Acad. Sinica , 5 (1977), pp. 363-373.
Minimum Range Sequences of all k-subsets of a Set ,
F. K. Hwang and J. C. Lagarias,
Discrete Mathematics 19 (1977), pp. 257-264.
The 4-part of the ideal class group of a quadratic field ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
PhD Thesis , M. I. T. (H.M. Stark, advisor).
Evaluation of Certain Character Sums ,
Jeffrey C. Lagarias,
Master's Thesis , M. I. T. (H. M. Stark, advisor).
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